Monthly Archives: August 2015

Sruith’s Mog

It’s been busy couple of days for Sruith: She has dinged 100, acquired the last two pieces of her mog, and acquired a snow fox kit. I think she has had an astounding week, and now gets to relax until she has to go hunting for an artifact weapon.

The mog, you may recall, was designed by Cymre, but I had to adjust it because I didn’t acquire some pieces before they weren’t available.

Sruith-complete-mogWhitemane’s Embroidered Chapeau
Primal Mooncloth Shoulders, Robes
Mana Shaping Handwraps
Voidweave Cilice Veteran’s Silk Belt
Eternal Boots
Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Energy Staff Twisted Visage