Category Archives: Memes

Screen Shot a Day: Sep 7

Father Winter

Father Winter

This is what Ironforge looked like the first time I tried to get my gifts from Greatfather Winter. He’s in there somewhere….

Screen Shot a Day: Sep 6

I Need...

I Need…

…someone who can wear this mog. Unfortunately, it’s mail with a polearm, so I’m not sure it can still be done in game.  I might need to see if I can get something that looks similar in plate.

Screen Shot a Day: Sept 5

Upside Down

Upside Down

Sometimes the gnomes will give it a little too much juice as they fly off the track, and then they’re upside down.

Screenshot a Day: Sep 4



Dwarves, humans, and Draenai all worked together, and I was able to make this one myself

Screenshot a Day: Sept 3



You would think that the gnomes have plenty of buttons, but no, they seem fond of levers. I had to resort to an old toy to find a decent button.

Screenshot a Day: Sept 2



Not far from the Dwarven District is a metal grate. It’s old and bent, and it’s not hard to get to the other side. Once, it was the edge of the city, but no longer.

Screen Shot a Day: Sept 1

I decided to try and do this little thing that Tycertank provides for us, as I’ve always found various other bloggers takes on the phrase of the day quite interesting. I will, of course, be putting a thoroughly Dwarvish spin on this.

Without further ado, I give you In My Cup


A dwarf is always most comfortable at home, and for Breige, home will always be the the Golden Keg in Stormwind’s Dwarven District.   As you can see, she’s waiting for Gurdrid and Saoire, and hoping you might stop by as well.