Monthly Archives: October 2015

My Week In WoW (October 20-27)

And of course, having said I hoped to get back in to play a bit of WoW… my shoulder starts to bother me (don’t worry, it’s feeling somewhat better now.)


Made it through Socrethar this week, but we had to call it early on Thursday because we only had 10 people and my shoulder started to bother me.


Bone-White Raptor

Bone collecting complete!  Now to decide whether I want to level Grianna, work on getting my last two shards to get the dragon mount from the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, or go back to the Timeless Ilse.  I really ought to get back to leveling, which is probably part of why I’m resisting the project.


Meet Nance Doubleblade, who brings our Dwarven follower total to 18! 7 to go, and we’ll have a full complement of dwarves.



I’ll be making another podcast appearance at the end of November on Girls Gone WoW. They don’t do their shows live, but I’d love for you to weigh in on your thoughts regarding the races of Azeroth, which will be our topic. During the week prior to our recording session,  you can Tweet them (or me, I’ll pass tweets along), send them email, or leave them voicemail (though I have yet to figure out how that part works.)  I’ll provide more specific details when I hear more on that part of the show stuff.

My Week In WoW (October 12-19)

Not a lot of WoW happened this week, but hopefully there will be more in the near future.


We slid back on raiding, getting stuck on Xuhl’horac this past week.


We’ve acquired all three raptors from eggs on the Isle of Giants, and are sitting a bit shy of 3,000 bones.

I didn’t get around to the circuit of disappointment, so there’s no news on that front. I think that since I don’t need to go to Zul’Aman, I may start heading out to Tempest Keep to continue trying for Ashes of A’lar.


Another week with disappointing recruiting options.



My Week In WoW (October 5-11)


We got three first kills this week: Xhul’horac, Socrethar  and Tyrant Velhari. We only had time for a couple of pulls on Mannoroth, but clearly the nerfs helped us out quite a bit. (Though there is a lot of talk that those three are not difficult bosses once everyone understands the mechanics)  No loot for me this week, but we only DE’d a few items (mostly when we went back to the beginning of the raid), and I think a few two-piece and four-piece bonuses were completed in the raid. That always helps.

I also finished the Draenor Angler achievement, and so have Nat Pagle in my garrison.


I took a trip to Zul’Aman to get the guaranteed drop of the War Bear. Otherwise, the circuit of disappointment was, well, disappointing.   After that I headed off to the Isle of Giants to feel badass and farm some bones. After collecting around 1000, I got a primal egg, which dropped the Reins of the Black Primal Raptor.  My method going forward will be to collect bones until I get an egg, then wait to see what I get from the egg.  Her second trip to the Isle of Giants netted around 1200 bones before getting the egg.

I also spent some time looking for more Skyshards. It’s a pretty fast grind, but a few people were out doing it. I’m going to start taking Potions of Luck along, just for the extra funds.

I’m working on using up all the Garrison Resources my various alts collect. I send out followers on missions that net gold, items for sale or resources (or in some cases, follower gear tokens) and then purchase Smuggled Sack of Gold until they’re back down around 500 resources. The average per sack is 25g, so it can turn a nice profit every few days if you’re good about picking up your resources. Note that this is purchased at the Trading Post, so you may need to build one of those.  If this continues to work in Legion, all of my alts will wait in their Garrisons creating cash until it’s their time to go back to Azeroth.


No new dwarves showed up for recruitment this week.


Collection of mats will probably start in earnest next week, but some of the Pandaria ones were acquired by Breige while hunting Skyshards.


My Week In WoW (September 28-October 4)


While we had intended to start with Shadow-Lord Iskar now that we can get past the first two wings, that didn’t happen this week due to some temporary changes in the roster in the early part of the evening. However, a friend’s raid didn’t get to run, so a few of them brought their better geared toons. We got started an hour late, and had a normal DPSer tanking; so we started at the beginning. With our ringers, we one-shot everything through Gorefiend, and even got Ariok as a follower.  Iskar took two tries, but we made a significant tweak to the timing of using our legendary rings, and he went down so smoothly on that second attempt that I suspect that’s our new strategy.  Gurdrid picked up a new neck (just a socket upgrade) from master loot, and a new cloak on a bonus roll.

Gurdrid’s also completed three of the fishing achievements towards obtaining the level three fishing shack.


I didn’t get around to the circuit of disappointment this week for various reasons, so no new pets or mounts to report.




Fern Greenfoot has joined Saoire’s Garrison team!

That puts her at 17 dwarves.

Only 8 to go to have her full company.



This week starts the procuring of her mog. That means Gurdrid needs to get out and collect ore in Pandaria and Cataclysm, and pick up some Chaos Orbs. Aingrit, for her part, needs to figure out how to get a Krud the Eviscerator kill in; as well as start doing Heroic ICC. The boots actually seem like they will be the hard part, as I need Haunted Spirits, which come from a Pandaria raid tier. Perhaps I’ll be able to buy them, but I’m not holding my breath. That means this mog may be looking for a new easier-to-acquire pair of boots.


Muirri made it to 100, making seven dwarves at max level. Once she ran out of rested XP, I went and did some bonus objectives, as the rewards are pretty substantial for completing those. I’m just really bored with Draenor questing right now, so I’m actually kind of glad that my next toon up is still under level 60. It’ll be a bit before I’m doing Draenor questing.


Grianna dinged 59 in Un’Goro Crater. She still has some quests to do, but I expect to finish things up in Silithis next week.

Kemodhne and Eirid

Continue to wait in the wings. Grianna still has over 100% of a level in rested XP, so it’s going to be a bit before Kemodhne starts to move along.


There are conversations in the works for me to appear on Girls Gone WoW in late November or December. You’ll see the details here first.


Muirri Makes Seven

Muirri reached level 100 last night, making an amusing Disney reference. While I find Monking easier than Death Knighting, it’s still far less interesting to me than other classes. Of the classes I have at max level, I like Paladin, Hunter and Priest most enjoyable.

Since Muirri is now level 100, it’s time to show off her mog.  Unlike most of the others, hers is very subdued.

Muirri-Fist Muirri-StaffMushan Hide Spaulders
Vest of the Assailant
Talador Sentinel Gauntlets
Brown Belt of Precarious Balance
Shadow-Gorged Legguards
Prideful Gladiator’s Footguards of alacrity
Keleseth’s Seducer / Staff of Restraint

Legion, Twisted Nether Style

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned I was going to be on the Twisted Nether Blogcast, on a Round Table with Short from Ability Powered Gaming. We talked about everything we know about Legion.

That podcast has been posted to iTunes now, (episode 255: Legion-dary Table). You can also find it here.